Winter Windchill

Sometimes on the farm there are power struggles. Its usually between us and the house, but this time of year is the hardest struggle of all. Winter has set in and it looks to be here to stay for the remainder of the season. Abnormally high temperatures were great to start the season off, but now its just plain cold. Today was 5°, – 11° with windchill, and that is brutally cold. I even had today off, but there was no way I could dress warm enough to go out in those temperatures. Even with the right clothes I still couldn’t have let Woody run around in that, so that is why I stayed inside. Winter might win now, but as soon as I get a chance to get some work done out there I’ll be all over it.

I guess this is as good a time as any to start planning for the future. Nothing too serious, maybe a couple dam builds and a spring or two, maybe I will finally get my Alaskan Mill and start my timber framed wood shop. If that isn’t enough to keep me busy this summer, then finding and polishing some more flint will take up the rest of my time. I have a couple ideas planned out for some flint crafts and once it’s warm enough again, I will be able to start on them.

This is why winter is a power struggle. Time keeps moving and the world keep turning and I am just sitting here with my hands tied, on a farm that has no chance, in weather that is too cold for fire to start. Hello spring and good riddance winter.

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